struggling learners writing

How to Help Your Struggling Learner to Get Grammar

There are many reasons your homeschooler may struggle with grammar and writing. Perhaps they have been diagnosed with dyslexia or...

What to Look For in a Homeschool Grammar Program

In the world of language and writing, many terms get thrown around almost interchangeably. Homeschool moms search for everything from language arts, grammar, and writing curriculum, but sometimes don’t quite...
best grammar program for homeschoolers

3 Steps to Winning Writing and Finishing Strong

The world often thinks of homeschool parents as teachers, but a more likely analogy would be that of a coach. We rarely, if ever, stand in front of our children...
help homeschooler write well
5 paragraph essay tips homeschool

How to Make the Five-Paragraph Essay Simple for Your Homeschooler

Bring up the idea of a five-paragraph essay, and you’ll likely get moans and groans from parents and kids. It’s...
SAT prep for homeschoolers

How to Prepare for Reading and Writing on the SAT®

Homeschoolers are in a precarious position when it comes to standardized testing. We typically don’t find it to be an...
Improve writing skills with technology

How to Use Technology to Improve Your Homeschooler’s Writing

Whether you love it or hate it, technology is front and center in our modern lives. At times the intrusion...
proofreading tips

5 Easy Tips for Painless and Powerful Proofreading

From a rough draft to the final piece, the writing process can be long and difficult. You’ve taken all those...
why grammar matters

Why Grammar Still Matters

Poor grammar and writing are reaching an epidemic level. There are numerous reports showing how far behind American students are...